Dogs are marvelous pets that can reduce your stress and can help you in improving your social life. It is very tough for every dog owner to say good-bye to his pet. Dogs have an average life of 10-13 years that you can maximize by proper diet and taking care of the fitness of the dogs, but genetics play an essential role in the life span of the dogs. You cannot increase their lifespan, but there are some longest living dog breeds ever that have a long life span and remain with you for a long time.
For pet loverz will discuss some breeds of dogs that live longer than other breeds.
It is one of the longest living breeds of dogs that can live from 15 to 20 years. It has a height of 5 to 8 inches and weights up to 6 pounds.These dogs are of tiny height but require plenty of exercises, mental
stimulation, and training. Overall, it is a healthy breed but can get heart and eye problems.
It is also one of the long-living breeds of the dogs. It has a height from 5 to 9 inches and weighs up to 32 pounds. It can hardly live for 15 years, but a Chanel named dachshund dog has the world record of oldest living by gaining the age of 21 years. They can get health-related problems such as back issues and obesity.
Toy poodle
This breed is considered a great family pet and is more friendly and calm in nature. These dogs have the height up to 10 inches and weigh from 4 to 6 pounds.
This breed has a lifespan of up to 18 years and requires exercise and the best diet. The health problems that this breed can face are orthopedic problems and eye disorders.
Jack Russell terrier
These dogs are of a small breed and have a height of about 13 to 14 inches. The weight of the dogs of this breed has up to 13 to 17 pounds.It is the most energetic breed that was bred for working.
It has a lifespan of 16 years but can live up to 20 years if the best diet and plenty of exercise is available.
Shih Tzu
It is a friendly and most adoptable dog breed that has a height of up to 9-11 inches. The weight that the dogs of this breed can gain is up to 9-16 pounds. Dogs of this breed are bred for a good companionship and require a little care and playtime to live,
but their long coat of hair requires daily brushing. It has a life span of 15 years and has good health generally. The health problems that this breed can face are orthopedic problems and eye disorder.
Maltese is a healthy and small breed that has a life span of 15 years or more. Dogs of this breed can gain a height of 7 to 9 inches. The weight of the dogs in this breed is up to 7 pounds. Dogs of this family need a lot of affection and company and can get separation anxiety if you leave them alone in the house. You can develop their behavior with training quickly.
Yorkshire terrier
It is an intelligent and popular breed that is loyal and affectionate with their families. Dogs of this breed may be your best companions during a walk and free time. They have a height of almost 7 to 8 inches and weigh up to 7 pounds. They can live up to 15 years or more.
Pomeranian is friendly dog with a bit of bossy nature. They may be feisty sometimes but can be controlled by pet training. These pets are so much loyal to their families and are considered as best pets. They can live for 16 years or more and generally have good health, but sometimes they can get health problems. Dogs of this breed have the height range from 6-7 inches and weigh up to 3-7 pounds.
Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu is medium- height dogs with a long life span and can live up to 16 years or more. They have a height of 14-17 inches and weigh up to 17-23 pounds.These dogs are considered as strong-willed and aloof, therefore not suitable for everyone.
They have excellent health generally but sometimes can get allergies. It is clean and entirely breeds that is loyal to its families.
Final verdict
Different dogs’ breeds are present in the world; some kinds are specific to an area and cannot survive in a changing environment. Therefore, take extra care when you are choosing a dog for owning. All the breeds mentioned above are the best and can survive in every situation. You can select any of the races mentioned above if you like.