Dog congestive heart failure

Dog Congestive Heart Failure

Unfortunately, congestive heart failure is common in dogs. It is estimated in research that 10% of all the dogs and 70% of senior dogs have some heart diseases. Congestive heart failure is not a disease, but it can lead to many severe heart problems. It usually occurs when the heart is not able to pump an adequate amount of blood to the body; this condition leads to high blood pressure and other serious diseases.

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Symptoms of CHF in Dogs

The signs and symptoms of CHF may vary; it depends on the underlying heart disease. If you see any symptoms mentioned below in your pet, then immediately visit your vet.

  • Fainting
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Inability to exercise
  • Persistent coughing
  • Fatigue
  • Pacing before bedtime
  • difficulty settling down
  • Lack of appetite
  • Swollen belly
  • Weight loss
  • Change in the gum and tongue color
  • Increased heart rate
  • Crackling sound when listening to the lungs

Types of CHF in dogs

Left-sided congestive heart failure

It is the most common type of CHF in dogs. The left side collects oxygenated blood from the heart and pumps it toward the body’s organs. Due to high blood pressure in vessels, the dog can experience cough, difficulty in breathing, and intolerance in exercise. This backup of blood pressure in the vessels leads to the accumulation of fluid in the lungs and dog faint due to low blood flow and oxygen toward the brain.

Right-sided congestive heart failure

If the right side of heart is weak, then the heart cannot pump enough blood toward lungs for oxygenation that leads to the buildup of pressure in the vessels that deliver blood toward arteries, veins and capillaries. This increased pressure causes the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen that leads to swelling and cause a condition known as ascites. If this fluid leaks from the veins into limbs, then it causes peripheral oedema that causes swelling.

 Biventricular failure

It occurs when both the right and left ventricles are not working correctly.

How to diagnose Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs

Different tests are required to diagnose the CHF in the dogs. Consult with the vet of your pet. He will examine your dog and can recommend some tests that are mentioned below:

Blood and urine tests:

Dogs suffering from heart disease usually have liver and kidney problems.

Chest x-rays:

This test is held to reveal the size and shape of the heart, and to find the fluid buildup in the lungs.


This test is conducted to detect the abnormalities in the rate and rhythm of the heart


This test is performed to examine the size, shape, and working of the heart. It helps to determine the efficiency of the blood pumping of the heart. Only allow the certified veterinary cardiologist to perform this test of your dog for diagnosis of CHF.

Heartworm antigen test:

This test is held to detect abnormal proteins that may be produced by heart worms.

How to treat the CHF in your dog?

Treatment of CHF depends on the underlying heart disease of your pet and the severity of the disease. There is no specific treatment for the CHF, but there are some effective methods that can ensure a good quality of life of your dog. If congenital abnormality causes CHF, then timely performed surgical correction can reverse heart failure. You can treat the CHF of your dog by following treatments.

ACE inhibitors:

It helps in lowering the blood volume and pressure, it reduces the stress on the heart and prevents the weakening of the heart muscles.


It stimulates the kidneys and helps them to remove excess buildup of fluids in the lungs and abdomen.

Vasodilators and positive inotropic drugs:

Vasodilators are useful to relax blood vessels. They decrease the pressure on the heart and makes the pumping of blood easier. Positive inotropes also help the heart to pump more blood by increasing the force that help the heart muscles to beat.


Reduce the amount of sodium in your dog’s food; it will help you to decrease the buildup of fluid in the body. Give your pet Supplements like vitamin B, taurine, and carnitine, and antioxidants like coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E. These all nutrients are best to keep your dog healthy and in an ideal weight.