who do I call to complain about a barking dog

who do I call to complain about a barking dog

barking is the instinct of the dog, no matter how much you love the dogs. Still, it is a fact that barking or growling is distressing. Especially in a stubborn neighborhood, a continuously barking dog is as inevitable as road noise in homes near the highway. Some dog owners are careless and do not care if the barking of their dog is annoying neighbors. In this condition, hurt feelings, frustration, and anger can make the situation worse.

If you face the same problem and are frustrated with a dog's barking in the neighborhood, you can file a complaint to solve it.

How to complain about a barking dog

You can complain in three simple steps:

Make a log of barking incidents

If you have talked about your neighbor's problem, but the situation could not be solved, write down the dog's barking episodes' date and timing. Also, write how long the noise persisted and the number of times in which you asked the owner to quit his dog. If the dog owner did anything to stop the dog, write this too.

Contact to animal control agency

After making the log call, the local animal control agency, police or town clerk, and the barking dog. Every department has its ways to concern this issue and procedures to address this problem. Ensure that the office where you are complaining should advise you about how to proceed with the complaint. You may also visit the office or many places that require to file a complaint through a letter.

Document the information clearly

If you file a written complaint, then document all the information and situation clearly; the main requirements for this type of accusation are describing the dog, name, and address of owner, name, and compliant address. You must cite all the incidents that you have recorded in your log and try to provide as much information as you can.

After completing the complaint process, the dog owner will receive a warning letter or visit from a police or animal control officer, who will inform him about the complaints and ask him to control the dog.

To whom you can file a complaint about a barking dog

You can call a local animal control agency, police department, or town clerk to file a barking dog complaint. Any of these departments will receive your complaint and can solve the problem within one to two weeks. If the department does not answer in a reasonable time, then you can submit another letter. In this situation, the dog owner will appear in court for a hearing and may be ordered to strictly pay the fine and quiet the dog.