Natural Remedies For Dog Constipation

It is unbearable to see your beloved pet in pain, especially when he is suffering from constipation. Constipation is very painful and frustrating; it is not just a human problem; our pooched also suffer a lot. Therefore, almost every pet owner seeks medications to treat the constipation of his pet. Here are some best natural remedies to keep your pet away from constipation.

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How to know your pet is constipated

A dog can show the following symptoms when he is suffering from constipation.


A constipated dog will spend much time hunched and trying to go, with little to no success.

Lack of Pooping: 

Dogs should ideally poop every day, but a 48-hour or more extended absence of poops is a solid symptom of a backed-up pet.

Strange Vocalizations: 

Because a build-up might be unpleasant, your dog may become whinier and more talkative than usual. Dog signals to go outside more frequently when he's constipated.

Discomfort Signs: 

If your dog refuses stomach massages or moves strangely when you try to touch his abdomen, there's a problem. However, this is not the same as bloating, which causes a distended abdomen, retching, panting, and other symptoms.

Some best natural remedies to cure constipation in dogs

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is a herb known and used for thousands of years for its anti-inflammatory properties and relief from irritations. Marshmallow root can help mucous membranes relax, allowing stool to move more quickly. 

In addition, the natural mucilage in marshmallow roots can help strengthen, soothe, and moisturize the colon. Marshmallow root should be consumed with a glass of water. You may get it in liquid form to put in your dog's water bowl at your local health food store.

Elm Slippery

The slippery herb elm is well-known for its use on mucous membranes in the respiratory and digestive systems. Slippery elm calms and coats the colon and intestinal walls, making it easier for hard stool to pass through. It's also a mucilage-producing herb, which helps your dog push by reducing irritation and pain that may be preventing him from doing so. For example, suppose your dog is persistently or even periodically constipated. In that case, a herb with natural mucilage qualities can help them maintain a healthy evacuation pattern. You can buy slippery elm in liquid or capsule form at your local health food store.

Herbs to cure constipation

Inflammation and Digestion Herbs

Your dog may be hesitant to eliminate, causing the stool to harden and stay in place. It could cause your dog's intestinal tract to become inflamed and uncomfortable. You can give your dog anti-inflammatory herbal treatments to alleviate their pain and encourage them to push again.


It is frequently used to soothe upset stomachs. It's also a potent anti-inflammatory, so that it might assist with stomach pain. Ginger is also used to help with nausea and digestion.

Licorice root

Anti-inflammatory components in licorice root can help your dog's stomach ache if they're constipated. Licorice also helps your dog's overall well-being by promoting body balance.


Your dog should drink fresh water throughout the day in typical circumstances. You may need to restock or freshen the dog's water more frequently throughout the summer months or in hot regions, as your dog will want to drink more to combat the heat. Dehydration prevents a dog's colon from producing healthy stools, causing the stool to stiffen. 

To prevent your dog from dehydration, you can add electrolytes to their drink to help them stay hydrated while also providing nutrition for a healthy digestive tract.

Some best foods to help your pup cure constipation

If your dog is constipated, you can supplement their diet with various foods to assist them in passing stool before it becomes too challenging. For example, you can easily add pumpkin from a can to your dog's meal. It may take up to twelve hours to see the benefits of pumpkin. Still, because of the fiber it contains, it can be a quick treatment for your dog's early constipation. You can also add bran or oatmeal to your dog's food to help them regulate their system until they can eliminate it regularly. Fibrous vegetables can be a daily treat for a healthy digestive tract or added to your dog's meals.