How To Teach Your Dog Greeting Guests

Everyone hesitates to enter into someone's house where there is a dog. Although a dog is a friendly pet, certain people have a fear of the dog in their mind. If you have a dog pet, then it is necessary to train your dog to greet the people calmly. 

For pet loverz has discussed some ways regarding how to teach your dog greeting Guests.

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What is greeting

It is a communication in which one welcomes others by showing attention. It is a polite way to start a conversation. Greetings can be expressed in verbal and also in terms of gesture. Various gestures are used in addresses such as eye contact, body language, and facial expressions, etc. 

Types of Greetings:-

  • Formal greetings 
  • Informal greetings

Ways to Teach your dog to greet people    

  • Place a mat near the main door of your house, and in this way, your dog will learn that this is the place where he will sit to welcome guests. Once the dog has settled down on the mat, you should speak your dog calmly and stroke it gently. Practice it by going out and coming in by yourself and do it regularly until the dog learns and understands the purpose of this activity.
  • When any guest pays a visit to your house by ringing bell, then your dog may bark on the ringing of the sound, so you have to get him used to it. Ask your friend to ring your doorbell several time, and you should say "No" when your dog barks on the ringing of the bell again and again and repeat this practice till the dog stops to respond to ringing of bell door. Dog gets confused when a lot of guests come to your house. Even trained dogs get confused in the case above.
  • The guests who visit your house should be advised not to touch the dog, and the dog should be acknowledged by guests if he is relaxed and calm.Praise and acknowledge your dog if it is sitting or lying calmly.Take the dog to walk and for exercise as the dog with energy would likely to jump while the tired dog wouldn't do so.
  • The barking of a dog is a way of communication of dog with people as the dog barks to give an alert of a threat to the owner, which is called territorial barking. If dog barks excessively, then it is a clear indication of the discomfort of a dog with strangers. Training can be provided to such dogs that bark excessively to strangers so that they respond appropriately and bark when it is compulsory.
  • Jumping is one of the normal behavior of a dog, which is not acceptable in the society of humans, so it is obligatory for the owner of the dog to not reward a dog when he jumps. The dog does so to get attention. To stop dog from jumping on you and your guest is to ignore him.
  • Tell guests to avoid direct eye contact with your dog, which will keep dogs relaxed and at ease.
  • Crating or putting those breeds of dogs in a separate room that are not welcoming to strangers can also be a good step, and the dog should be given ample time in the crate to cool down when a stranger visits you at your house. After that, the dog can be brought out from his safest room or box for the introduction, and don't forget to give rewards and praise if he behaves nicely. One thing keep in mind that crating is not punishment; instead, it is time provided to him to get calm in crate or den.
  • The greeting should be discouraged if the owner has more than one dog because it may lead to confrontation between or among dogs in welcoming guests at the door.
  • Never ever force a stressed dog to introduce him to a visitor because it may lead to a dreadful situation.
  • If your dog jumps and behaves enthusiastically to unknown or strangers/guests, then it is mandatory to ignore his behavior and don't act harshly with him. He should only be rewarded when he behaves in a calm and relaxed manner only.
  • The dog must be controlled with your commands, for example, commands are like "stay away," "sit," and "stay" and start practicing these commands until the dog begins to respond commands above correctly. A friend can be advised to use a sit command in the presence of the owner, and that friend can pat the dog gently if the dog obeys the "sit" or any other command given by him. Quick and rough movements must be avoided, which may enhance restlessness in the dog. If your friend gets successful, then other guests or friends can be welcomed to your house as the dog will start learning that he is rewarded for being calm.
  • It is often misunderstood when dog-loving people often get overexcited that dog is jumping to greet them, so the owner of a dog should talk to those visitors and tell them how to interact with them appropriately.
  • Obedience training may bring desired results for the dogs to treat strangers in the most welcoming way. Services of the exercise above can be obtained from certified trainers of dogs.
  • Avoid depending on basket muzzles and anti-bark collars to abstain dogs from barking at unknown people. The use of basket muzzles and anti-bark collars may lead to serious behavioral issues.
  • Reduction of arousal level of dogs by not giving permission of fence fighting in the yard.
  • Take your dog to walk and introduce him with other people, and this way of introduction is best suited for especially those people who have brought their dogs along with them.
  • Give an alternative outlet to your dog's energy and adrenaline instead of jumping on the guests. Assign different activities to you dog when visitors or guests arrive at your home, for example, ask him to fetch a ball or toy and reinforce these sort of activities with motivating rewards to get the desired behavior.