How To Get Rid Of The Dog Urine Smell In House

How To Get Rid Of The Dog Urine Smell In House

No matter how much we love our furry friends, dealing with their accidents in the house can be a frustrating and unpleasant experience. One of the most common and persistent problems dog owners face is the strong smell of dog urine in the house. Not only is it unpleasant to live with, but it can also be difficult to remove. In this article, will explore some effective methods for removing the dog urine smell in your house.

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Why does the dog urinate in the house?

There are several reasons behind the urination of dos in the house, and it's important to determine the underlying cause to address the behavior. Some most common reasons why dogs may urinate in the house:

Medical Issues: 

A dog may urinate in the house due to a medical condition such as a urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or kidney disease. These conditions can cause a dog to feel the urge to urinate more frequently or have accidents in the house.

Lack of Housetraining:

Lack of Housetraining: 

Suppose a dog has not been properly housetrained. In that case, they may not understand that it is inappropriate to urinate in the house. It is most common in puppies still learning where it is appropriate to go potty.

Anxiety or Stress: 

Dogs who are anxious or stressed may urinate in the house as a way to relieve their anxiety. Various factors such as separation anxiety, changes in routine, or fear of loud noises can trigger this.


Dogs may urinate in the house to mark their territory, especially if other dogs are in the household. Marking behavior is more common in male dogs, but females may also exhibit this behavior.


Older dogs or those with certain medical conditions may experience incontinence, which can cause them to have accidents in the house.


Some dogs may urinate in the house when they become overly excited, such as when greeting their owner or meeting new people.

Identifying the underlying cause of your dog's behavior is important to address the issue effectively. If you suspect a medical issue, visiting the veterinarian for evaluation is important. For behavioral issues, working with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist may be necessary to address the problem.

Some tips to get rid of dog urine smell in house

Some tips to get rid of dog urine smell in house

Clean Up the Urine

The first step in removing dog urine smell is to clean up the urine as soon as possible. take a paper towel to soak up as much urine as possible, you can also use absorbent cloth for this purpose. Be sure to wear gloves to avoid direct contact with the urine.

Once you have soaked up the urine, clean the area thoroughly with a pet stain and odor remover. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and make sure to cover the entire affected area. Be sure to blot up any excess cleaner with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural odor eliminator, you can use it to eliminate the smell of dog urine. Sprinkle a massive amount of baking soda on effected spot and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Vacuum up the baking soda and repeat as necessary. For particularly stubborn smells, Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water and apply it to the affected area. Let it sit for several hours before cleaning it up.

Use Baking Soda

Use Vinegar

Vinegar is another natural odor eliminator that you can use to get rid of dog urine smell. Take white vinegar and water in equal parts, mix and apply the solution to the affected area. Leave it for at least 30 minutes before blotching it up with a clean cloth or paper towel. If the smell persists, repeat the process or use a stronger vinegar and water solution. Avoid using too much vinegar, as it can discolor some types of flooring.

Use Enzymatic Cleaners

Enzymatic cleaners are formulated to break down the proteins in dog urine that cause odor. These cleaners are available in pet stores and online and can be a very effective way to get rid of dog urine smell. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and make sure to cover the entire affected area. Be sure to let the cleaner sit for the recommended amount of time before blotting it up with a clean cloth or paper towel.

Hire a Professional

Hire a Professional

If there is no success even after applying all the methods, it may be time to hire a professional cleaner to remove the smell of dog urine from your house. Professional cleaners have lot of equipment and expertise to remove even the most stubborn odors from your carpets, upholstery, and floors.

Be sure to choose a reputable, experienced cleaner specializing in pet odor removal. Ask for references and read online reviews before making your decision.


Getting rid of dog urine smell in your house can be a challenging task, but it is not impossible. Following these methods can effectively eliminate the odor and enjoy a clean and fresh-smelling home. Remember to act quickly when accidents occur, use natural odor eliminators like baking soda and vinegar, and consider hiring a professional cleaner if needed. A little effort and persistence can keep your home smelling fresh and clean, even with furry friends around.