herbal remedies for worms in dogs

Herbal Remedies For Worms In Dogs

As pet owners, we always want our canine friends to be healthy and happy. We provide them with nutritious food, exercise, and love, but sometimes they can still be plagued with pesky parasites like worms. If you're seeking a natural and effective solution to deworm your dog, look no further than herbal remedies. Herbal remedies are effective and have been used for centuries to treat various ailments, and they can also be used to help rid your dog of worms. Here are some of the most effective herbal remedies for worms in dogs.

DURVET Triple Wormer Tablets for Dogs

Peppermint Oil

TummyWorks Probiotic Soft Chews

Peppermint Oil

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What causes the worms in dogs

There are various types of worms that can infect dogs, and each type has a different cause. The common types of worms in dogs are:



Roundworms are the common type of worm found in dogs. They are typically acquired by puppies from their mother's milk or by ingesting eggs from contaminated soil or feces. Adult dogs can also become infected by ingesting roundworm larvae from the environment.


Hookworms are another common type of worm found in dogs. They are typically acquired by ingesting hookworm larvae from contaminated soil or feces or by coming into contact with infected feces or soil.


Tapeworms are typically acquired by dogs ingesting infected fleas or small animals, such as rodents. The tapeworm eggs are found in fleas or animals, and when ingested by the dog, the eggs hatch into larvae in the dog's intestines.



Whipworms are typically acquired by dogs ingesting whipworm eggs from contaminated soil or feces.


Heartworms are a type of parasitic worm that is transmitted to dogs through the bite of an infected mosquito. They can cause serious health problems if left untreated.

In addition to these types of worms, dogs can also be infected by other types of parasites, which can transmit diseases and cause health problems. It's important to keep your dog protected from parasites by using preventative measures, such as regular deworming, flea and tick prevention, and keeping your dog's living environment clean.

Effective herbal remedies for worms in dogs.



Wormwood is a natural dewormer that has been used for centuries to treat various types of parasites. It is particularly effective against roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms. This herb contains compounds that are toxic to parasites but safe for your dog. You can give your dog wormwood in the form of a tincture, capsule, or tea.


Garlic is a powerful natural remedy for a variety of health problems, including worm infestations. Garlic contains compounds that are toxic to parasites and can help prevent re-infestation. You can give your dog fresh garlic, garlic powder, or garlic oil. However, it's important to use garlic in moderation, as too much can be harmful to your dog.

Black Walnut

Black Walnut

Black walnut is a natural dewormer that has been used for centuries to treat various types of parasites, including tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms. The compounds in black walnut are toxic to parasites but safe for your dog. You can give your black dog walnut in the form of a tincture, capsule, or tea.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a natural dewormer that can help get rid of tapeworms and roundworms in dogs. They contain a compound, cucurbitacin, which paralyzes the worms and makes them easier to expel from the body. You can grind up fresh pumpkin seeds and mix them with your dog's food, or you can give your dog pumpkin seed oil.

Pumpkin Seeds
Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth

It is a natural substance that is made from fossilized diatoms. It is a safe and effective way to deworm your dog without using harsh chemicals. Diatomaceous earth works by dehydrating the worms and causing them to die. You can sprinkle diatomaceous earth on your dog's food or mix it with water and give it to your dog as a paste.

Papaya Seeds

Papaya seeds are a natural dewormer that can help get rid of tapeworms and roundworms in dogs. They contain a compound called campaign, which is toxic to parasites. You can grind up fresh papaya seeds and mix them with your dog's food.

Papaya Seeds


Neem is a natural dewormer that has been used for centuries to treat various types of parasites. It contains compounds that are toxic to parasites but safe for your dog. You can give your dog neem in the form of a tincture, capsule, or tea. When using herbal remedies to deworm your dog, it's important to consult with your vet. 

 Some herbs can be toxic to dogs if used improperly or in large doses. Your vet can help you choose your dog's dosage and frequency. In addition to herbal remedies, there are other steps you can take to prevent worm infestations in your dog. Regular deworming, keeping your dog's living environment clean, and practicing good hygiene can all help prevent worms from taking hold.


herbal remedies are a safe and effective way to deworm your dog naturally. Wormwood, garlic, black walnut, pumpkin seeds, diatomaceous earth, papaya seeds, and neem are all-natural remedies that can help get rid of various types of worms in dogs. However, it's mandatory to consult with your vet before using any herbal remedy, as some herbs can be toxic to dogs if used improperly or in large doses.

In addition to using herbal remedies, it's important to practice good hygiene and keep your dog's living environment clean to prevent worm infestations. Regular deworming can also help prevent worms from taking hold in your dog's system. By using natural remedies and taking preventative measures, you can help keep your furry friend healthy and worm-free.