Dog Spleen Tumor Natural Remedy

Dog spleen tumor or hemangiosarcoma is deadly cancer in canine buddies. It is aggressive and progresses rapidly to cause sudden bleeding and even death. It is hard to treat as it is not very responsive to herbs and chemotherapy. And this thing hurts a lot as you are not able to do something for your canine buddy.  But according to some herbalists, few herbs can help you treat this deadly disease. Likewise, few natural remedies can help you to keep your pup cancer-free. However, you cannot cure it entirely but help these guys live a quality life. 

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Natural remedies to treat spleen tumor

Cannabis oil

Cannabis is a valuable herb that has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries and has a powerful oil. It contains compounds known as cannabinoids, but not all are psychoactive. Instead, it means they can affect your dog’s brain and mood. Cannabinol, cannabidiol (CBD), and THC present in it and carry health benefits. 

However, it lacks delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC), which is a psychoactive compound. Its oil is used for pain relief, heart, eyes, and skin health, but it is also helpful in preventing and treating cancer. THC can kill brain cancer cells in mice. It is because it leads to autophagy (a mechanism where cancer cells destroy themselves). So the tumors shrunk in size. It is also beneficial in human patients with brain tumors. We all know that cancer cells are different from normal cells. The normal cells have program death; whenever a cell is damaged or mutated, it kills itself. Cancer cells do not have this ability, so the mutated cells continue to grow and lead to a tumor. So interfere with other body organs.                                                                                                                                                                                  It is estimated in research that Cannabis is also helpful to prevent metastasis or the spread of cancer through the bloodstream. In addition, for animals suffering from lack of appetite accompanied by cancer, it can stimulate the appetite. Both THC and CBD prevent the development of blood vessels in tumors, which blocks their access to nutrition and starves them. There are no reliable clinical studies on effect of Cannabis in dogs with cancer. However, there’s enough compelling research to add it in top cancer-fighting herbs. Most of the manufacturers are offering cannabis oil for pets. Overall, CBD and Cannabis oils are low-priced and easy to use.


Three years ago, artemisinin, an extract derived from the Chinese herb Artemisia annua, also known as sweet Annie or annual wormwood, was introduced as a herbal remedy. In the beginning, it was a traditional cure for malaria, but now it is an effective cancer treatment.  Cancer cells acquire iron to make copies of their DNA. 

When iron contacts with artemisinin, it converts it into a toxic chemical and releases free radicals that effectively destroy cancer cells. For a while, it seemed artemisinin is the magic bullet that quickly cures cancer in humans and pets. Then, in 2003, a research study was underway at the Washington Cancer Institute Department of Orthopedic Oncology at Georgetown University Medical Center. The vets who used the herb reported promising results, and an “artemisinin and cancer” online forum attracted hundreds of members.  Now the dust is settling. Unfortunately, the research study was canceled for lack of funding, and not every dog who took artemisinin improved. In addition, some veterinarians are worried about its adverse side effects in some pets. Although the results and studies indicate many disappointments and concerns, artemisinin is still a popular alternative. It is because it has solid theoretical and experimental results. Therefore conventionally trained veterinarians take artemisinin seriously about its working. A pet professional gave three reasons why some dogs could not get a complete cure from cancer by artemisinin. 

  • Its treatment is usually started too late, when pets are at an advanced stage of cancer. 
  • Artemisinin is not completely effective. Unless you prolong its half-life of action its selectivity. It requires a lot of tests and research but it is too expensive to do proper research. 
  • Many owners feed high doses of antioxidants such as vitamins C and E to their dogs, and antioxidants counteract the action of artemisinin.

Artemisinin works as an oxidant, and acts opposite to the antioxidant.

Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp also belongs to the same species of plant to which Cannabis belongs, Cannabis sativa. But hemp has been developed through the centuries for clothing and oils, changing the plant somewhat. While hemp seed has a high proportion of cannabinoids,

less is the main difference between hemp and Cannabis. Hemp contains about 1% delta-9-THC, while Cannabis contains between 5-20%. It also contains a healthy balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fats, which can help to reduce chronic inflammation and support the immune system. It is also beneficial to reduce metastasis and cancer growth in the brain, breast, and lung cancer. These seeds contain a lot of vital minerals such as manganese and zinc, and are ideal and healthy addition to any diet. when you are giving to your pup, grind it fresh or buy it as an oil. Then, add a teaspoon for every pound of food. Do not give hemp and poultry together as it can upset the fatty acid balance and makes the condition more severe.


Curcumin is an active ingredient present in the turmeric, extensively studied for its role in cancer treatment and prevention. The American Cancer Society claims that Curcumin can interfere with cancer development, growth, and spread. Therefore, it has received a great deal of focus because of its ability to reduce tumor size and kill cancer cells.”

A study on rats says that it is ideal to prevent bladder cancer in rats. And for dogs, it is more beneficial. Most dogs are exposed to lawns treated with insecticides and herbicides, which are a significant cause of bladder cancer. Curcumin inhibits the growth and spread of mammary cancer cells, also ideal to check and restrain brain tumors and inhibit the activation of mast cells by controlling inflammation. In addition, it can cause apoptosis (cancer cell death) in osteosarcoma and prevent its metastasis.        

Turmeric carries many other health benefits too. For example, it’s been shown to be just as effective as aspirin and ibuprofen in reducing pain. In addition, some studies shows it is just as effective as steroids, and is a potent anti-inflammatory substance. It can treat cancer and other chronic diseases, including allergies, arthritis, kidney disease, and many others caused by chronic inflammation. Curcumin is hard for your dog to absorb as it is insoluble in water, you can combine it with any oil such as coconut oil.                                                                                                                                                                    Add the Golden Paste directly to your dog’s diet by mixing it with some water or kefir. it is tasty and easy to eat for your pup

  • Take 1/2 cup organic turmeric powder. It should be organic, as it contains lots of Curcumin and is free of pesticides.
  • 1  cup filtered water
  • 1/4 cup organic, cold-pressed coconut oil
  • You can add 1 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper to increase its absorption

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and set it on medium/low heat for 5-10 minutes until it forms a paste. leave the mixture to cool down, store it in a jar and place it in the fridge but no more than two weeks. Golden Paste is also useful to add directly to your dog’s meals. add it by mixing it with some water or kefir. Most dogs often like its taste and flavor.

  • Give about 1/4 teaspoon per day to small size dogs
  • 1/2 teaspoon per day to medium size dogs
  • 3/4 teaspoon per day to larger breeds
  • It is ok to start with one teaspoon per day for giant dogs.

It is a rough estimation, you can increase the amount according to your dog size. you can increase up to a Tbsp for larger breeds. But it is better to give turmeric in smaller amounts a few times a day because Curcumin leaves the body quickly. If your dog is getting any other medications, consult with your vet before giving him turmeric. It can interact with some medicines, including anti-inflammatory, diabetes, and chemotherapy drugs.