Common Dog Behavior Problems And Solutions

Sometimes well-trained dogs show lousy behavior due to any reason, they do not know the moralities, so they do whatever works. They do not do something as it is wrong or right.

They do it, for example, your dog is chewing his leash, and you give him a cookie, he will learn that to get a cookie all he needs to do is to eat the leash. Whenever you note that your dog is showing problem behavior, you must correct that action immediately; if you let it go, then it will be difficult to correct.For pet lovers will discuss son common dog behavior problem and ways to control those problems

Some common behavior problems of dogs and their control



The aggressive behavior of dogs related to an immediate threat, the aggressiveness of dogs is a severe issue for the owners of pets. Aggressive breeds of dogs include Chow, German Shepherd, Dobermann, Jack Russell Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Dachshund, Chihuahua, Dalmatian, Rottweiler and Siberian Husky. In America, Pit Bull is responsible for a large number of fatal attacks. Dogs show aggression due to following reasons:

  • Pain
  • Loss of hearing or vision
  • Sickness
  • Alteration in the pattern of sleep
  • Threat 
  • Domination
  • Frustration or anxiety

How to control the dog aggression

  • The aggressiveness of the dog is a dangerous behavior and must be managed immediately. You can manage your dog's behavior by rewarding him only on affirmative action. 
  • The aggression of dogs can be minimized to a certain level by socializing dogs with humans and other dogs.
  • Take your pet to behavioral training where a veterinary consultant can help to deal with painful incidents that occurred in the past.
  • Surrender your dog to shelter if you have a shortage of time and resources so that an aggressive dog could be owned by someone else.
  • Avoid dealing with the aggression of dog on your own and consulting an animal behaviorist.


Barking is a communicating way of dogs, they bark to get the attention of their master or to communicate with other dogs. Their barking is considered in bad behavior when it aggravates you. The barking of the dog may be due to several reasons. First of all, the owner should find the cause of barking before using any treatment.

How to control the barking?

You can manage your dog's barking by using different tools:

  • First of all, try to reduce his excessive barking by rewarding him on silence, so he will learn to remain silent more and more.
  • If he is not leaving the excessive barking, then you can use anti-bark collars; these collars are available in different modes, from sounds to shocks. Try to stop your dog from sounds and then gradually change the styles until he stops barking.
  • You can also use anti-bark devices that are the most effective and humane way of reducing a dog's excessive barking. The ultrasonic sounds of these devices are safe for humans as well as for animals.

Destructive chewing


Dogs need to chew, and to fulfill their need, dog owners provide them with dogs toys that are safe and acceptable chewing tools for the dogs. If your dog starts to chew the other households, then it is not acceptable. For example, some dogs develop the bad habit of the chewing leash, collar, or even leg of the chair in the house that is a problematic situation for every pet owner.

How to control the chewing?

  • To prevent your dog's chewing behavior, first of all, place all the valuable objects away from the access of dog in the house. It will reduce the dog's chewing behavior due to restriction in approaching to the items. Keep your shoes and clothes in the closet, and books on the shelves. Make sure that no chewable thing is in the approach of your dog.
  • Provide the pet with plenty of his own toys; it is great to introduce your dog with a new chewable toy after a couple of days to prevent him from getting bored with his old toys.
  • Discourage your dog's chewing habit by spraying chewing deterrent on households that attract the dogs to chew.


Dogs love to dig, it is their instinct to digging the soil, you cannot stop this behavior, so do not force him.

How to control digging?

You can join your dog to control his behavior. Select a place in the yard, and train your dog to dig only this place. Hide any reward on this place, and encourage him to uncover the site, praise him when he finds the reward. Repeat it again and again until he is habitual to that place.

When your dog is trying to dig your floor, it means that he is getting bored, then you can give him a toy to play or chew.

Jumping up

Dogs often develop a bad habit of jumping on someone, it is not a good habit at all, as it may harm your guest or anyone who comes to visit you.

How to control the jumping up of dog?

You can inhibit your dog behavior by getting the help of your friend or neighbor. Ask him to ring the bell, put his leash on, and approach the visitor with the dog. Open the door and ask the dog to sit, if he sits, then rewards him with a treat, if he does not do so then take him back and repeat until he learns to sit. Try this till you are sure that your dog will not jump up.

Stealing food, clothes or other things

Dogs often take things, and fortunately, it is easy to control behavioral problems.

How to control stealing habit of dogs?

It is all upon you that how you control the behavior of your dog. You can control his stealing things behavior by keeping all his inappropriate desired thing out of his reach. Provide him plenty of toys at that time and play with him to make him realize that these toys are just for playing, not for stealing. If he takes any toy, do not chase him. Go behind him unemotionally and methodically until you can hold him. Ask him to leave the object. This process is needed to be done carefully. If your dog is aggressive, then do not do it.

Separation anxiety

This type of behavior is shown by the dogs that are left alone at home. They go crazy and attempt to destroy the surrounding, barking, chewing, and crying uncontrollably. 

How to control Separation anxiety?

You can control your dog's behavior by making him habitual of your coming and going to the house. Before you go outside, put your dog in the crate or confined room, place his favorite toys near him, play something soothing on the radio. Now without saying any other word, pick up your coat and bag and leave the house.

If you think that you have done your best, but there is no progress, then you can consult with the pet specialist to solve the problem.


Adult dogs can injure someone or another dog by biting them. It is a severe problem for you as well as for your pet and needs to be corrected immediately.

How to control biting habit?

You can control your dog's biting behavior by teaching him to impulse control exercises such as sit, stand or leave, etc.

If your dog tries to bite on your feet or ankle, then keep his favorite toy in your pocket. If you do not have a toy at that moment, then freeze yourself until your dog stops mounting on you.

Instead of rough play with your hands, encourage non contact playing with your dog, such as tug of war.

Final verdict

 When you are training your dog, he will learn many new behaviors. You must keep your dog under observation. If you notice any behavioral issue in your pet, then you should immediately correct it. Otherwise, it won't be very easy to fix. If all your techniques are failed, then you should consult with the pet specialist to control your dog's behavior.