can I give my dog melatonin

Can I Give My Dog Melatonin-Benefits And Side Effects

Melatonin is a common hormone that occurs in the bodies of animals and people, secreted by the pineal gland in the brain of both humans and animals. It is an essential supplement that helps us and our pets to relax, de-stress, and sleep. It is also helpful in certain medical conditions.

For Pet Loverz will discuss the answer of most frequently asked question "can I give my dog melatonin"

K9 Choice Melatonin for Dogs

K9 Choice Melatonin for Dogs

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The benefit of melatonin for dogs

It is an excellent supplement for your dog. Melatonin is effective in calming down and soothing stressed dogs. It not only improves your furry baby’s mood but also helps in reducing anxiety, hyperactivity, restlessness, and phobias. You can give your dog melatonin before any event of high stress to keep him calm and distress. It also helps older dogs suffering from insomnia to get a regular sleeping cycle.

Working of Melatonin for Dogs


Melatonin can be given to dogs who suffer from anxiety. This supplement helps in reducing stress anxiety. It also helps your pet to mellow out before a potentially stressful experience like a long road trip. Melatonin also helps the dogs that have thunderstorm phobia. You can use it for calming your pet in every situation.


It also regulates the internal processes that tell our bodies, whether it’s time to sleep or time to play. Humans also use melatonin to overcome insomnia, and it works well for older dogs with cognitive dysfunctions to regulate their biorhythms and get a better night’s sleep.

What quantity of melatonin is safe for dogs?

It is safe to use supplements for your pet if you give in the right dose. It is good if you talk with your vet before giving these supplements to your canine. Do not provide melatonin to the pregnant dogs and the puppies younger than 12 weeks. Tell the exact age of your pet to your vet when discussing giving your dog melatonin. A general rule of melatonin dosage for puppies is discussed below:

  • Dogs who are less than 10 lbs should be given 1 mg
  • Dogs of weight 10-25 lbs should be given 1.5 mg
  • Dogs weighing 26-100 need 3 mg
  • Dogs above than 100 lbs should be given 3-6 mg

When you are giving your pet melatonin, check the label to make sure the ingredients are free from xylitol. It is a commonly used artificial sweetener that is hazardous for dogs. When you give any new medications or supplements to your dog, keep an eye on them to note any allergic reaction to them. After administration, it starts to work within about 15 minutes and lasts about 8 hours.

Side effects of melatonin in dogs 

Although melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone and has rare side effects, sometimes due to any sensitivity some drawback of using melatonin can be seen in the pets

The dosage of melatonin depends on the size of the dog and his sensitivity to the drug. It’s also important to discuss the supplement’s ingredient list with veterinarians. Some melatonin contains xylitol, which is highly toxic to dogs.

The highest side effect of melatonin in dogs is drowsiness. It can upset the digestive system of the animals and increase the heart rate. It can also affect pregnant dogs and can cause insulin resistance in diabetic pets. It is also responsible for some allergic reactions in dogs.