When to start dog training

When to Start Dog Training

Whether you're a new puppy parent or a seasoned dog owner, the question of 'when to start dog training' is pivotal. It's the moment you lay the foundation for a lifetime of joyful companionship, trust, and obedience. In this article, forpetloverz.com will delve deep into the art and science of dog training, unveiling the ideal timing, methods, and key insights to set your furry friend on the path to becoming your most loyal and well-mannered companion. Get ready to embark on a journey of discovery, where the bonds between you and your four-legged friend grow stronger with each training session.

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when to start training your pet

It isn't clear for the dog owner about when to start dog training. Most of the dog lovers misjudge about whether dog training should be initiated or not. Coaching is a necessary thing; therefore, it begins as the puppy arrives at your house.

You can adopt the puppy from the age of 6 to 8 months, and when you take them there, training begins.

How to start the training

There are few steps to train your puppy for obedience in the best and quick way. Puppies require not only nutritious food and a warm place to live but also a leader too.

Pack leader

Dogs always have an alpha dog in their group, this alpha dog is the leader, and all other dogs follow him. If you want to train your dog correctly, then become an alpha leader. Your puppy will follow your commands and will remain in your control.

Many people are the best leaders in their offices but become mush before their dogs and are puzzled why a dog is not behaving.

Dogs have a strong sense of observation; if they observe your confidence level and note you as the week, they can take control of you and show bad behaviors such as excessive barking, chewing, and biting.

Start your leadership from day one and become pack leader of your dog for his best training, healthy growth, and balanced dog.

Its never too early to train the dog

Start your puppies training from the natural behavior, teach your pup his name, and foundational positions to live in the human world. Here are few things that you can teach your dog to live a better and happy life with your pet.

Potty training

It is one of the necessary training for pets. No matter how much you love your pet, but no one wants interaction with the dog’s excretions. It is the most onerous task to clean the potty of your dog, therefore, train him to use the litter box. You can instruct your puppy in the following steps:

Potty training
  • Keep the litter box clean and at the place that is easily accessible by the dog.
  • reward your dog when he goes to the correct location for doing his business. 
  • If he goes to the wrong place, do not scold him. Supervise him and immediately catch him when he is going to the wrong place and bring him to the correct location. Take care until he learns to go to the right place.


Dogs are very possessive about the things they love; they protect items such as toys, food, and friends. Take some objects away from your dog when he is enjoying playing with them to teach him to guard the objects not to give up.

You can turn the attention of your dog toward another object by removing the first object with the other high-value object. It will attract the pet and will try to get this one.


Dogs have a habit of searching the world with their mouth; they can harm anything with their sharp razor teeth. If you feel that your puppy is forceful with its nipping, then let him know. 

Response with ‘’ouch’’ and wait for 30 seconds. Either he calms down or not. If he does not calm, then separate him from you for 30 seconds or more until he calms down. It will help your dog to learn that it is not good.

Obedience training

It is necessary to train your dog for all basic commands; it will help you to move calmly and without stress on a busy road. You can start with two basic behaviors, ‘’focus’’ and ‘’sit’’. 

Obedience training

Training gears for the dog training

Training tools are available in the market to train the dogs. Training collars, leashes, clickers, and anti-bark devices are essential gears that help you in teaching the dog good behaviors.

Training gear for positive behavior of the dog

Clickers are the best tools to teach your dog positive behaviors. You can encourage positive enforcement is your pet by using clickers. Train your dog any action and click the clicker, but do not forget to provide reward immediately after clicking the clicker, prize, or treat plays an important role in the quick learning of the dog.

Anti-bark devices

Anti-bark devices are the most humane way of controlling dogs from excessive barking. If your puppy or dog has the bad habit of excessive barking, then use these devices instead of collars because collars can harm the pets.