How To Train An Aggressive Dog-Useful Methods And Tips


The aggression of dogs toward the owners or other dogs is a severe problem. This aggressive behavior often develops due to inadequate training, and no doubt, it is a problematic and worrisome situation for the dog owners.

Dogs develop aggressive behavior due to several reasons; usually, dogs develop it due to fear or possessiveness. It is the duty of the owner to recognize the aggressiveness in the dog’s behavior immediately. It does not mean that your pet is a bad dog; you can control his aggressive behavior by choosing the best training methods.

For pet loverz will discuss how to train an aggressive dog to control your dog’s aggressive behavior.

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Why dogs show aggressive behavior?

Aggression can be developed in the dogs due to different reason such as

  • Territorial
  • Possessiveness
  • Fear
  • Protective
  • Defensive
  • Experiencing pain
  • Unsocialized

It may be due to the environmental factors; if you have adopted the dog from a shelter, then make him feel that he is loved and is in a safe environment, it will make him calm.

If your dog is possessive about you or any toy, then he will show aggressive behavior whenever other animals, even human approaches to you as well as his plaything. In this condition, you have to teach the dog not to cross the boundaries. 

How to train the aggressive dog?

 To teach your dog’s aggressive behavior, first of all, find the reason that why your dog is aggressive find the person toward your pet shows aggressiveness and also observe his surroundings that which thing is making the dog angry.

Do not ignore the aggressive behavior

It is a good tip for the dog’s owner; aggression is an undesirable trait; if you find aggression in your dog, then find the reason, and then you can take the step to reduce his attack.

Steps of aggressive behavior and their cure

Body language

Dogs use body language to threaten, your dog show aggressiveness to the dogs if he is taller than others. The dog may lock his gaze and more control over the mouth muscles. Your dog tries to show physical dominance.

Alpha dogs

Dogs live in groups and always have a leader called ‘’alpha dog’’. If there is no leader, then the dog establishes itself as an alpha dog. But some dogs are born shy; their aggressiveness is due to their fear. Small size dogs have often this fear that their owners leave unchecked. To teach your good dog commands to ensure him that he is in control.

Do not punish with aggression

If your dog is showing aggressiveness, do not punish him with the attack, instead of controlling his habit. He will assume that aggressiveness is an acceptable response. If your dog is aggressive due to fear, then by beating him, you are increasing his fear that leads to aggressiveness. If you punish him, then you are following rather than driving.

Training to control the aggressiveness of the dog

Leash training

To establish yourself as an alpha dog, it will ensure your pet that he is not an alpha dog, keep the leash in your home. You can control your dog with it whenever your dog is ready to go elsewhere. If you do not want your dog on the furniture, then step on the leash when he tries to go on the couch.

Prongs collars and harness are best for this type of training as they do not choke the dog but limit what he can do.


If your dog does the desired goal, then reinforce him to do that task again and again until he is habitual to that desired task.


Keep other dogs or animals at a distance that does not elicit the aggressiveness in the dog and gradually decrease that distance so that the dog is desensitized about them.


Pair the presence of another dog with something pleasant that can enhance a good behavior in your pet.


Dogs want the best place to sleep, he likes to sleep on the bed, once you teach him that he is not an alpha dog, then he will show calmness in his behavior. Make your dog sleep in the crate until he learns the chain of command. It is necessary to establish a pack relation first.


Do not provide the choice to your dog in feed, give him a meal at a specific time until he learns this command and eats at the same time of which you have established a boundary.


Playtime of your dog is the best time to train your dog. Please keep your dog’s toys up so that whenever your dog wants to get a toy, you are the one who picks the toy and gives it to him. If you chase your dog while he is playing with the toy, it means that you are following him, not leading him. Do not chase him and wait until he brings the toy toward you. Take the toy from him and never give him again.

Collars and muzzles

These are the best ways to train your dog. First, it looks harsh, but with time, it is clear that they work better for proper training.

Prong collar

Prong collars are the best tools to train the dog for pet trainers. These collars do not choke the dog but teach them what they cannot do. These collars cause discomfort similar to that the puppy feels when his mother nips him on the back of the neck. He understands that this behavior is not fair and stops that thing or task.


These are also considering as the best tool to control the aggressiveness of the dogs, it is best if your dog snaps or tries to scare other animals. Nervousness is a common issue of shy dog, you must have to calm them in a social situation, and for this purpose, the muzzles are the best thing to control them.

To relate their association with the pleasant thing, but the muzzles on your pet before a treat or meal so that he will compare it with enjoyable activities and apply it to the social situation.

General training concepts about aggressive dog’s training

When you are training your dog does not forget certain things:

  • Do not forget to give your dog a reward or treat his or her good behavior. You can provide a toy or lavish treat; it will appreciate your dog so he will apply that praised behavior to keep you happy.
  • When you are training your dog, keep patience, and calm. Do not try to get the response immediately; time is required to your pet to control the bad habit.
  • If your dog is shy of people, then expose him to the people for a short time until he is habitual to the traffic. Your dog feels much better when he is with you ensuring that he is safe.


Dogs are like kids, they need to be conditioned to not act out. If your dog is showing consistent, aggressive behavior then definitely he is in problem, try to identify the problem. Once you have identified the problem, you can work with him to solve that problem, and to control the aggressiveness, you can train him with any tool, but patience is essential for training.