Critical Dog Training Mistakes Need To Avoid

Dog training is a challenging task for the entire pet owner, it needs a lot of time and attention to train the dog for basic commands. A little mistake in training can ruin all your effort, and you have to start from zero again.

Dog owners make many mistakes in their training that can slow their pet learning behavior or arouse some adverse responses in the dogs. For Pet Loverz has discussed some critical dog training mistakes need to avoid, are you also attempting any of the mistakes discussed below during your pet training?

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Training the dog for too long

A long training session is not suitable for the dogs, especially for the puppies, they may get bored. You may get tired and cannot focus on what your dog is doing. It is as harmful as your long college classes can kill your brain. The same long training session can kill your dog’s mind and attention. Do not train your dog for command for more than 10 minutes. It is enough time for training.

Taking a one size fits all approach

It is not enough that you have read a dog training book, and it is all you need to train a dog. Two dogs are not alike; every dog has its own choice and taste. Please do not teach your dog with a single method that one day he will learn. A variety of dog training books and CDs are available in the market that provides you different training methods.

Apply a training method on your dog; if he is not responding well, then you must find the other one instead of repeating the same phenomenon again and again.

Taking too much time in training

Training is essential for your pet, and it must begin as your dog comes to the home, if you late the training without any reason, then it may cause problems for you in training your dog. 

Start the training immediately; otherwise, your dog will adopt a bad habit and will make exercise a challenging task for you.


To get excellent results in the training consistency is mandatory; if you are inconsistent in training your dog, then you can confuse the pet. For example, you are trying to train your dog not to sit on the couch one day, and on the next day, you bring him on the couch due to any reason. The next day when you get mad on him on sitting on the sofa, then the dog will not be able to understand what wrong he has done.


Train your dog patiently as the dog takes time in training. Your pet learns slowly and learns different things at a different pace. If you are not getting the result or your dog is taking a lot of time, then do not be frustrated or stressed. It will only make things worse. You can make your dog defeated and accented with your behavior.

Remember that train your dog only for 10-15 minutes, training him for more time can kill his brain.

Harsh discipline

Using any punishment during dog training is never being effective. It can make things worse. Dogs often learn by getting rewards via positive dog training. Harsh discipline involves yelling, hitting, staring down, and jerking the leash, it may evoke negative behavior in the dog such as:

  • Aggression
  • May make your dog fearful
  • Physical harm to the dog

Your training should be fun with your dog, not a bullying session. 

Getting the timing wrong

Your dog has no sense that when he has done something wrong or right. He only does the thing that works. Many trainers use clickers to get the desired reward, and immediately give the prize to be assured that it is associated with the clicker. Make sure that you give your pet a bonus shortly after the clicker sound. If reward is late, then your pet may associate this reward with another action and can ruin all your training about desired behavior.

The same is the thing when you are trying to stop the undesired behavior of your dog. If you do not catch the dog while he is peeing on the floor and punish after he has done will not make sense of purpose of punishment.

Reinforcing the wrong behavior

It is a critical mistake that every dog trainer can do during the training is to enhance the negative reaction in the pet accidentally. For example, you take in your dog when he is frightened or give him something to eat when he is barking. He will associate that reward with the barking and will develop a bad habit of excessive barking.

It is the animal that seeks attention, and giving him attention at any time when he is doing something terrible will encourage him that he is doing good.

Calling for something unpleasant

If you call your dog to do something nasty again and again, it will discourage him from coming toward them when you call. For example, if your dog does not like to bath or nail trimming, then do not call him, go and get him. If you yell at your pet or punish him, it will do nothing except for arousing negative behavior.

Failing to proof behavior

It is an essential thing that most of the trainers forget during their training. Some dogs are best in generalizing, while all the dogs are not capable of him. When you ask your dog to ‘’sit’’ in the living room, he understands it means that he has to put his bottom on the floor, but when you are in the park, then word ‘’sit’’ is nothing to him.

Final verdict

During the training of the dogs, the mistakes mentioned above must be considered. Otherwise, you will train your dog for negative behavior instead of basic commands and good manners.