How To Stop Dog From Barking At Other Dogs And Strangers

Barking is a habit of the dogs, some dogs are born to bark. However, some breeds of the dogs bark louder, and some are quieter than others. Anyhow, dog owners are worried about how they can stop the barking of their pets.
If you have a dog that barks excessively and wondering to control his barking, then you are on the right page. For pet loverz has discussed How To Stop Dog From Barking At Other Dogs And Strangers.

Dog Anti Barking Device

Dog Anti Barking Device

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Why does a dog bark?

Before you take any step to stop your dog from barking, the important thing is to find the reason for barking. Dogs may bark due to any problem, you can control his bark by fixing that problem.
The dog may bark due to the following reasons:

Territorial barking

Dogs barks excessively in the response of people, animals or other dogs reaching his territory

Alarm barking

Alarm barking is not only associated with the defensive behavior of the dog. A dog barks excessively in response to noises and sights.

Attention-seeking barking

This type of barking is to gain attention or reward, such as food or playtime.

Greeting barking

Dogs bark to say hello, a greeting barking has relaxed body language and a wagging tail.

Compulsive barking

It is a repetitive barking that is associated with a repeated movement.

Response barking

It is the barking when a dog barks excessively when another dog is barking. This barking is in response to the other dog.

Frustration related barking

A dog bark excessively when he is separated from other people and dogs or is confined to a pace

How to control the excessive barking of dogs?

You can manage your dog’s excessive barking by using following ways:

  • Sight barrier
  • A quiet zone
  • Anti-bark gears
  • Training

Use of sight barriers

Dog often bark when they see or hear the other dogs, territorial, and alarm barking is due to sight and hearing. A dog sees approaching another dog or an irrelevant person in his territory. He starts barking. It is the reason that most of the dogs are seen barking in the living room, near the window or fence.

The best and quickest trick to control your dog’s excessive barking is to manage the environment. Block your dog’s sightline that triggers the barking in him. Use a privacy fence in the yard to cut off the views of the neighbor’s yard. Of you have your own home, you can plant privacy hedges to beautify as well, making a bark-proof yard.

For indoor, keep the windows and curtain closed or use removable plastic film that makes the window opaque.

A quiet zone

 It is the best way to control your dog’s frustration barking. If your dogs start excessive barking when you leave home then you should set up a safe and quiet place for your dog that must be away from the back door.

The doggy quiet zone includes

  • A crate with a soft and comfy bed with a privacy cover
  • A chewable toy or puzzle to keep him busy
  • A radio with some soothing sounds

Bark control devices

A variety of tools is available in the market to control the barking of the dogs. If you have failed to control your dog’s excessive barking, then you can use any suitable gear for the control. Some devices are discussed below:

Anti-bark collars

Anti-bark collars can monitor your dog’s excessive barking in a very effective way. These are automatic devices that detect the barking of the dog through the vibration of the throat and stop their barking by static shocks or sounds. These shocks are not harmful to the dogs but enough to stop him from barking.

No barking devices

No barking devices are considered as the most effective and humane way of controlling the dog’s excessive barking. These devices emit an ultrasonic sound that is only heard by the dogs and stop them from barking. Some dogs do not respond to them; for this type of dog, you can increase the intensity of sounds.


Training includes all basic commands that may be useful in controlling your dog’s excessive barking. No matter which gear you are using to train your dog but the best training method is compulsory for perfect control on the dog.


 The recall is a useful way to control your dog’s excessive barking. You can use this command to keep your dog away from the barking trigger, such as a doorbell or neighbor’s dog.


 When you train your dog to bark at certain things, it will help you to control your dog’s excessive barking as you can ask him not to bark at another time. Your dog can learn that when to stop the barking. 


 You can teach your dogs specific cues that help him to calm down. Whenever your dog starts barking, you can make him calm by using the signals.


 It is the best command to keep your dog quiet when the barking trigger is nearby. If your dog starts barking on the leash, then train him for being still and silent.

When to meet the pet specialist?

If you have used all the above methods to control your dog’s excessive barking, but there is no progress, then you must consult with the pet specialist as soon as possible. Pet specialist will suggest you some ways are the tools that may help you effectively.

Final verdict

The barking of a dog is not a bad habit, but when your dog starts barking without any reason or barks excessively then, it is a problematic situation for you as well as for your neighbors. You must take steps to control your dogs barking for keeping your surroundings quiet and calm.