dog vomiting water and not eating

Dog Vomiting Water And Not Eating

It is not unusual to see your pup throwing up food traces. Dogs can vomit for different reasons, and most of the time, there is nothing to worry about. Dogs often puke food particles, but what if your dog is vomiting water? It is not normal and is a bit deeper. Dogs can vomit food, which indicates some stomach issues with your pup, but it is a problematic situation for most pet owners when the dog throws up clear liquid. It is the time when you start thinking about what you should do next. There are different causes behind this issue. Some of the reasons and its treatments are discussed below:

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Causes of dog vomiting water and not eating

Water poisoning

Water poisoning or hyperhydration is the leading cause of this issue in dogs. It might be shocking for you, but yes! It exists; it happens. Remember, being over-hydrated is as dangerous as being dehydrated. When a dog drinks too much water while bathing in a pool or lake, it usually occurs. However, it is also possible when they drink too much water out of a bowl.

Symptoms of water intoxication include:

  • bloating
  • a loss of balance
  • nausea
  • lethargy. 

Suppose you have any reason to suspect your dog has water intoxication, especially if they've been vomiting after swimming. In that case, you must get your pup to a veterinarian as soon as possible.



Dogs with thyroid problems are also seen throwing up clear water. It occurs due to an upset stomach, lead by some thyroid problem. The thyroid controls a dog's body metabolism. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid isn't working enough, which can cause a dog to vomit after drinking water.

Hypothyroidism may show many other symptoms: balding coat, excessive shedding, a much-reduced heart rate, and lethargy. A dog with hypothyroidism may have thickened facial skin, sudden lameness or a loss of coordination, an odd tilting of the head, and fat deposits in the corneas.


If a dog's kidneys cannot filter blood well, it is a sign of kidney failure. Your dog might be urinating as usual, but their kidneys aren't cleaning waste materials. Sadly, by the time a dog reaches kidney failure, it has already had a kidney infection for months, maybe even years, without being unnoticed.

Dogs with any kidney problem often show more water consumption. Increased urination is also an indication of a kidney problem. Along with throwing up water, or clear liquid, some other symptoms related to kidney issues are: diarrhea, depression, loss of interest in food. Bad breathing.


Sometimes, a dog throwing up water is vomiting up bile, a watery substance, green-yellow. Bile helps to break down food in the small intestine of the digestive tract. It separates nutrients from waste matter. It is produced in the dog's liver and stored in the gallbladder; sometimes, when the digestive tract of your pup isn't working at its best, so your dog throws up the bile instead. 


You can give any homemade remedies to aid in soothing his stomach in this kind of situation. Still, it would help if you took him to the vet to ensure that the vomiting is not more severe.


When your dog is throwing up clear water, there is a possibility your dog has picked up some parasite. It could be due to drinking contaminated water or contacting a dog that is infected with a parasite. Sometimes, a dog can inhale a parasite simply by sniffing the ground.

The most common parasite is an organism known as Giardia. It can cause your pup to throw up water or vomit the food after eating food. The most common symptom of a parasite infestation is diarrhea. Dogs suffering from giardiasis will sometimes have green-colored stools that are covered in mucus. If you doubt that your vomiting dog may have a parasite, take him to your vet to fix the issue.

Some natural remedies to stop the dog from throwing up clear liquid.

There are a few things you can give on your own to calm the stomach of your pup. It doesn't mean that the reason behind this problem is solved, but these ingredients are effective enough to give your dog quick relief from an upset stomach. 


Ginger is the best remedy to calm an upset stomach. You can give your pup a ginger cookie or a capsule of a ginger supplement to settle their stomach. It will prevent them from vomiting or throwing up clear liquid. It is better to talk to your pup to ensure how much amount is safe for your dog. 



You can give some shredded, boiled chicken with no sauce to your pup if he is showing no interest in food, along with throwing up liquid water. You can even mix in a bit of rice, as well. Do not serve it immediately after cooking; leave it until it is cool down. Your pup will love this recipe, and it is helpful to fulfill all the essential nutrients which your pet may need to feel good again. 



Pumpkin is enriched with fiber, which is excellent for digestion and can help soothe the stomach after your dog throws up. You can either mix a spoonful into food or give it to your pup right from the spoon. Just make sure you give canned pumpkins and not pumpkin pie filling. 

The pumpkin pie fillings are filled with sugars and flavorings that can cause even more vomiting problems. These problems could get so bad that they require a trip to the vet.


The soothing broth is not only ideal to settle a human's upset stomach but can work effectively for dogs too. If you want to make a bone broth, you can make in following steps::

  • Fill a pot with bones of chicken or turkey legs.
  • Add the water to soak the bone up to 3 inches and cook on low heat. 
  • Cook it for 24 hours, and then let it sit for about three hours in the refrigerator.
  • Ensure to take out all of the bones before serving to your pup.


Rice is another recipe to soothe digestion and perhaps stop your dog's vomiting. Take a cup of white rice and three quarts of boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes. Please give them a little bit now and a little more in a few hours. You can also serve rice with the chicken suggested above.