Dog itching remedies apple cider vinegar

Dog Itching Remedies Apple Cider Vinegar

dogs your furry babies are the best pets, and you do your bests to keep them happy and healthy. Itching is common in most the dogs, that can make them uncomfortable. Every dog owner tries his best to keep his pet away from this problem by using different techniques. forpetloverz will discuss here some dog itching remedies apple cider vinegar.

Anti-Itch & Allergy Relief Spray

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What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

It is vinegar which is made from fermented apple juice. Yeast is added into the juice of apples, which converts sugar into alcohol by the process of fermentation. After that, alcohol is converted into acetic acid by bacteria. It has low acidity than that of vinegar. 

Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar:-

Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar:-

It is suitable for dry and itchy skin. Apple cider vinegar owns antiseptic as well as antifungal attributes. So, it can be used effectively against itching in dogs. It can be used as a spray by filling 50% Apple cider vinegar and 50% water in a spray bottle. Avoid giving an overdose of apple cider vinegar which might cause stomach problems in dogs. 

So, it is recommended to use a low dose at first. It can also irritate the eyes of your dogs even in diluted form. It is used as a cleaning agent. Avoid using it on the skin which is broken. It could also be used to bring relief against stomach ailments. The addition of Apple cider vinegar to the food of dogs also aids the body to absorb vitamins and minerals rather these are passed out of the body while urinating and defecation. So it can be used as antiseptic, healer, shampoo, cleanser, digestive aid, insect repellent and also has other medicinal importance. It can also soothe the irritating paw of your dog. Soaking the irritated paw for five minutes will solve the problem. Ensure thoroughly drying of paw after soaking.

Apple Cider Vinegar as itch relief

In case your dog is suffering from itching, Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat it. Add the amount of apple cider vinegar and warm water and spray on infected areas. Extreme itching can result in hot spots in dogs, and the application can also cure it of apple cider vinegar, but care must be taken in the situation when there is inflammation on the skin of the dog, avoid to use it as it can cause more irritation. It doesn't kill beneficial bacteria and also doesn't harm the immune system of the body. A veterinarian could be consulted prior to application on hot spots which are inflamed as well. 

Causes of itching in dogs:-

These include parasites, allergies or infections. Dogs can get itching due to bacteria or fungi i.e. yeast. The allergy might be as a result of food or due to environmental factors. Discomfort is caused by in-ear, paws, rump, and groin of dogs. Ticks, fleas, and bugs are also an important reason to cause itching in dogs.

Ticks and Fleas

Whenever you observe itching in your dog, you should check for ticks and fleas. Both of these pests suck blood from the host, i.e. dogs. Often ticks go unnoticed because they are too small to get away from your eye during observation. Fleas don't pose a severe threat to your dog, yet they play an essential role in causing discomfort but biting insects result in allergy,

Ticks and Fleas

which can result in swelling, pain, swelling and sometimes infection. It is easy to spot them as compared to ticks but hard to find in dogs that have long hair and dark coated skin. In this case, you can use comb by brushing through the coat of your dogs. Reddish-brown color in the water, while you are giving a bath to your dog, is an indication of the presence of fleas in the coated skin of your dog. As it is said, prevention is better than cure, so this proverb can be kept in mind while controlling the pests mentioned above because preventives can be proven to be uncomfortable and dangerous to dogs.

Food Allergies 

If you are unable to find out ticks and fleas in your dog, then the dog might be suffering from allergy due to some other factors. Food allergies are rarest in dogs, but if a dog is suffering from it, then it is necessary to seek out which ingredients are causing the allergy. So those food ingredients must be prevented from the food of the dog. Consult a veterinarian to find out the reasons for allergies in your dog.

Environmental Allergies

Your dog might be suffering from pollen or dander besides other causes of allergies. Shampoo, conditioners and other medicines could be used to remove pollen grains from the skin of the dog. Only doing a bath to your dog can play an important role to mitigate the risk of environmental allergies.